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Medical Xpress / At-home light-emitting diode devices safe, effective for acne treatment
At-home light-emitting diode (LED) devices are effective for treating acne, according to a research letter published online March 5 in JAMA Dermatology. / US firm hours away from Moon landing with drill, rovers, drone
A drill for ice, a 4G network test, three rovers, and a hopping drone: a US company is hours away from its second lunar landing attempt on Thursday, aiming to advance technologies for future human missions. / Why does Ethiopia have earthquakes and volcanoes? A geologist explains
A swarm of earth tremors and fears of volcanic eruptions in January forced tens of thousands of people to move away from Awash Fentale, an area in the Afar region of Ethiopia. The area falls within a geologically active region ... / World's sea ice cover hits record low in February
Global sea ice cover hit a historic low in February as the world endured exceptional heat, with temperatures near the North Pole soaring 11 degrees Celsius above average, Europe's climate monitor said Thursday.

Medical Xpress / Updates issued for optimizing bowel preparation quality for colonoscopy
In updated consensus recommendations published online March 4 in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, additional guidance is presented for optimizing bowel preparation quality for colonoscopy. / US firm targets Moon landing with drill, rovers, hopping drone
A drill to search for ice. A 4G network test. Three rovers and a first-of-its-kind hopping drone. / Modern workplaces were never designed for mothers, and it's time for that to change
Close to 80 percent of mothers work outside the home, yet they are are consistently paid less for their work and passed up for job opportunities. / How population density and location shape litter levels facing UK communities
Almost 60% more litter can be found in the UK's coastal communities than in inland locations, according to new research.

Medical Xpress / No link seen between preop GLP-1 receptor agonist use and postop aspiration pneumonia
Preoperative glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA) use is not associated with short-term postoperative aspiration pneumonia, according to a study published online March 4 in JAMA Network Open. / How NASA is using virtual reality to prepare for science on Moon
When astronauts walk on the moon, they'll serve as the eyes, hands, and boots-on-the-ground interpreters supporting the broader teams of scientists on Earth. NASA is leveraging virtual reality to provide high-fidelity, cost-effective ... / New research cracks the code on selling power of TikTok video ads
Even though the future of TikTok in the U.S. hangs in the balance, a groundbreaking study in the journal Marketing Science introduces a game-changing algorithm that predicts which TikTok ads will drive sales before they even ... / WMO says La Niña event is expected to be short-lived
The weak La Niña event that emerged in December 2024 is likely to be short-lived, according to the latest World Meteorological Organization (WMO) update.