All News / Intervarietal grafts of sweet, serrano peppers on Pasilla 18M

Chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most important vegetables in the world; it is the most widely cultivated and popular spice. The genus Capsicum has been distinguished by its lack of compatible rootstocks with ...

17 hours ago in Biology / Tiny bright objects discovered at dawn of universe baffle scientists

A recent discovery by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) confirmed that luminous, very red objects previously detected in the early universe upend conventional thinking about the origins and evolution of galaxies and ...

Jun 28, 2024 in Astronomy & Space
Tech Xplore / Simulations provide models for a resilient and sustainable electric grid

In a significant step towards resilient, sustainable energy, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) are undertaking an initiative to enhance the performance and longevity of grid transformers, a critical ...

17 hours ago in Energy & Green Tech / Unleashing the potential of high-spin polymers for next-gen optoelectronics and spintronics

The study of open-shell molecules, particularly those with high-spin ground states, has unveiled significant potential in organic electronics and magnetism. These molecules, characterized by unpaired electrons, exhibit unique ...

18 hours ago in Chemistry
Tech Xplore / How to learn about a world-class double bass? Give it a CT

When you're an expert in medical CT imaging, two things are bound to happen, says Peter Noël, Ph.D., associate professor of Radiology and director of CT Research at the Perelman School of Medicine. One: You develop an insatiable ...

17 hours ago in Engineering
Tech Xplore / New lithium plant inaugurated in Argentina

French mining group Eramet and China's Tsingshan on Wednesday inaugurated a lithium production plant in Argentina to supply the booming electric car industry.

17 hours ago in Energy & Green Tech / The impact of research globalization on the efficiency of emerging and Nobel-Prize-level topics

Over the last 50 years, research activities have become increasingly globalized. Although the advantages of global homogenization and standardization have been extensively discussed, their potential drawbacks, particularly ...

18 hours ago in Other Sciences / Research shows Darwin and Wallace both right on butterfly evolution

Pioneering AI-powered research on butterflies has probed the under-studied evolution of females and adds to a debate between the founding fathers of evolution.

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / Out in the cold: Enhancing frost tolerance in wheat

Rugging up against winter chills is a cozy and easy option for most of us. But our crops are facing frosts and freezing temperatures without the warmth of winter woolies. Frost poses a significant threat to agriculture, particularly ...

18 hours ago in Biology / Rising risks of climate disasters mean some communities will need to move—Australians need to plan for relocation

Many Australians live in areas increasingly exposed to climate change and associated extreme weather such as floods, fires, coastal erosion, cyclones and extreme heat. If we wait for disasters to happen, hundreds of thousands ...

19 hours ago in Earth / Hurricane Beryl bears down on Jamaica

Powerful Hurricane Beryl churned toward Jamaica on Wednesday with dangerous winds and sea surge, as residents braced for a storm that killed seven people and caused destruction in the Caribbean.

20 hours ago in Earth
Medical Xpress / Are you at risk for dengue? Are Miami mosquitoes a danger? Here are the warning signs

No one likes mosquito season. And some of these bloodsuckers can be more than just a nuisance. Mosquitoes can transmit disease.