All News / Out in the cold: Enhancing frost tolerance in wheat

Rugging up against winter chills is a cozy and easy option for most of us. But our crops are facing frosts and freezing temperatures without the warmth of winter woolies. Frost poses a significant threat to agriculture, particularly ...

20 hours ago in Biology / Rising risks of climate disasters mean some communities will need to move—Australians need to plan for relocation

Many Australians live in areas increasingly exposed to climate change and associated extreme weather such as floods, fires, coastal erosion, cyclones and extreme heat. If we wait for disasters to happen, hundreds of thousands ...

21 hours ago in Earth / Hurricane Beryl bears down on Jamaica

Powerful Hurricane Beryl churned toward Jamaica on Wednesday with dangerous winds and sea surge, as residents braced for a storm that killed seven people and caused destruction in the Caribbean.

22 hours ago in Earth
Tech Xplore / Australia is pushing big tech to 'protect kids from porn.' What can they actually do?

Australia's eSafety Commissioner has announced she's given the major tech platforms six months to develop enforceable codes for protecting children from online pornography and other "high-impact" content like self harm.

23 hours ago in Internet / China's 2023 annual temperature hit a new high with serious floods and droughts

Climate is a major factor affecting economic and social outcomes. In China, the country's National Climate Center releases an annual climate report that comprehensively covers China's achievements and progress that year in ...

22 hours ago in Earth
Medical Xpress / Are you at risk for dengue? Are Miami mosquitoes a danger? Here are the warning signs

No one likes mosquito season. And some of these bloodsuckers can be more than just a nuisance. Mosquitoes can transmit disease. / Astronomers observe a strong shock front in galaxy cluster SPT-CLJ 2031-4037

Using NASA's Chandra X-ray spacecraft, astronomers from the University of Alabama in Huntsville have observed a merging galaxy cluster known as SPT-CLJ 2031-4037. They detected a rarely seen strong shock front in this galaxy ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Astronomy & Space
Medical Xpress / When should a kid start riding a bike? If it's a balance bike, you might be surprised how young

When Michael Natividad learned to ride a bike at 7 or 8 years old, he knew his training wheels were ready to come off when he leaned on them while zipping around corners.

21 hours ago in Health
Tech Xplore / EU gives conditional nod to Lufthansa's proposed ITA Airways stake

The EU on Wednesday announced its conditional approval for German airline Lufthansa's proposed stake in ITA Airways, a deal that Italy called a "big European success".

22 hours ago in Business / New NOvA results add to mystery of neutrinos

The international NOvA collaboration presented new results at the Neutrino 2024 conference in Milan, Italy, on June 17. The collaboration doubled their neutrino data since their previous release four years ago, including ...

Jun 28, 2024 in Physics / Opinion: Banning social media for under-16s won't help—teaching digital media literacy will

The astounding rise in social media use in the past few years is seeing policy responses come to a head, both internationally and in Aotearoa New Zealand.

22 hours ago in Other Sciences / The beginnings of fashion: Paleolithic eyed needles and the evolution of dress

A team of researchers led by an archaeologist at the University of Sydney are the first to suggest that eyed needles were a new technological innovation used to adorn clothing for social and cultural purposes, marking the ...

Jun 28, 2024 in Other Sciences