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Medical Xpress / Adding newly identified compound makes naloxone more potent, longer lasting, mouse study shows

The ongoing opioid epidemic in the U.S. kills tens of thousands of people every year. Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan, has saved countless lives by reversing opioid overdoses. But new and more powerful opioids ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Medications / Flexible and durable bioelectrodes: The future of health care wearables

The use of wearable electronics that continuously monitor biosignals has transformed the health care and fitness industries. These devices are becoming increasingly common and are projected to reach a market valuation of ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Nanotechnology
Medical Xpress / New class of cancer mutations discovered in so-called 'junk' DNA

Using artificial intelligence, Garvan Institute researchers have found potential cancer drivers hidden in so-called 'junk' regions of DNA, opening up possibilities for a new approach to diagnosis and treatment.

Jul 3, 2024 in Oncology & Cancer / The demonstration of vacuum levitation and motion control on an optical-electrostatic chip

The levitation of microscopic objects in vacuum and the control of their movements while they are suspended was first demonstrated several decades ago. Since then, various research groups have been working on new approaches ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Nanotechnology
Dialog / Discovering a new piranha species in the Amazon Basin

Have you ever wondered what secrets the Amazon Basin holds beneath its murky waters? I'm Flavio Gallo Cardozo, a biologist from Bolivia, and I'm excited to share with you the journey of discovering a new piranha species, ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Biology
Medical Xpress / Study reveals alarming economic burden of tuberculosis treatment in India

Researchers from The George Institute for Global Health India in collaboration with researchers from Indira Gandhi Government Medical College (Nagpur), and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) have conducted ...

Medical Xpress / Researchers develop low volume resuscitant for prehospital treatment of severe hemorrhagic shock

Extensive blood loss after injuries is life-threatening and must be counteracted as fast as possible. Relatively small volume injections of solutions of a novel star-shaped polymer could compensate for the loss of fluid without ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Cardiology
Medical Xpress / Mobile phone data helps track pathogen spread and evolution of superbugs

A new way to map the spread and evolution of pathogens, and their responses to vaccines and antibiotics, will provide key insights to help predict and prevent future outbreaks. The approach combines a pathogen's genomic data ...

Medical Xpress / Bowel cancer turns genetic switches on and off to outwit the immune system, new study finds

Bowel cancer cells have the ability to regulate their growth using a genetic on-off switch to maximize their chances of survival, a phenomenon that's been observed for the first time by researchers at UCL and University Medical ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Oncology & Cancer / German scientists investigate supernova remnant SNR G309.8+00.0 at high energies

Using Spektr-RG and Fermi space observatories, German astronomers have investigated the supernova remnant SNR G309.8+00.0 in X-rays and gamma rays. Results of the new study, presented June 25 on the preprint server arXiv, ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Astronomy & Space
Medical Xpress / A predictive model for cross-border COVID spread

As COVID-19 spread globally in 2020, many countries swiftly closed their borders to prevent the disease from entering. However, there was little scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of such measures.

Medical Xpress / RNA splicing strategy corrects tumor suppressor gene in neuroendocrine cancers

Neuroendocrine tumors, including small cell lung cancer and neuroendocrine prostate cancer, are very aggressive with high chances of spreading. However, many individuals develop resistance to few available treatment options, ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Oncology & Cancer