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Medical Xpress / Colorado dairy worker tests positive for bird flu, fourth person linked to outbreak

A fourth farm worker has been infected with bird flu in the growing outbreak linked to dairy cows, health officials reported Wednesday. / Understanding the synchronization of physiological states during a live music performance

Common input synchronization is a process where systems or organisms exposed to an identical input respond similarly. People listening to a concert, for example, could experience a synchronization of their emotions.

Jul 2, 2024 in Other Sciences
Medical Xpress / Doctors could soon use facial temperature for early diagnosis of metabolic diseases

A colder nose and warmer cheeks may be a telltale sign of rising blood pressure. Researchers discovered that temperatures in different face regions are associated with various chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and high ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Health informatics
Tech Xplore / Is an electric bike right for you? Here's what to consider before you buy

More Australians than ever are riding electric bikes—a fact you may have noticed on the streets of our cities and towns.

Jul 3, 2024 in Consumer & Gadgets / New molecules to modulate gene expression

The correct functioning of cells relies heavily on the ability to finely control gene expression, a complex process by which the information contained in DNA is copied into RNA to eventually give rise to all the proteins ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Biology / Study finds minority status, social origin, gender, and weight can all count against a German kid's grades

A new study done in more than 14,000 ninth graders in Germany has revealed that students experience grading bias based on their gender, body size, ethnicity and parental socio-economic status. These negative biases stack ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Other Sciences / Study finds emissions trading also creates health benefits

The EU Emissions Trading System is not only good for reducing CO2 and for the climate. It also results in considerable health benefits due to reduced air pollution and saves hundreds of billions of euros, according to a recently ...

Jul 2, 2024 in Earth / Wild bats found to possess high cognitive abilities previously considered exclusive to humans

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have tracked free-ranging Egyptian fruit bats from a colony based in the TAU's I. Meier Segals Garden for Zoological Research to answer a long-standing scientific question: Do animals have ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / Average months now feel cold thanks to climate change

People in the UK love discussing the weather. For the first two weeks of June 2024, the cold, dull conditions were all they could talk about. Major news outlets like the BBC, The Guardian, Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph all ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Earth
Tech Xplore / How to increase the rate of plastics recycling

While recycling systems and bottle deposits have become increasingly widespread in the U.S., actual rates of recycling are "abysmal," according to a team of MIT researchers who studied the rates for recycling of PET, the ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Business
Medical Xpress / Team reveals why new tuberculosis vaccine induces a stronger, longer response than the conventional vaccine

Researchers from the Butantan Institute and collaborators are developing a more potent version of the BCG vaccine that protects against tuberculosis. While the conventional immunizer reduced infection by 90% in experiments ...

Medical Xpress / Destroying cancer-causing RNA could lead to bespoke treatments, say scientists

Peter Mac researchers have taken the first step towards designing rapid personalized cancer treatments by 'cutting out' disease-causing RNA.

Jul 2, 2024 in Oncology & Cancer