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Medical Xpress / New findings may fix the replicability crisis in microbiome research

Our bodies are inhabited by trillions of microorganisms, with specific microbes unique to each individual. Through experimentation, scientists have pinpointed certain factors that account for variation in the gut: diet, living ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Medical research
Tech Xplore / Portable engine can power artificial muscles in assistive devices

Researchers have developed a lightweight fluidic engine to power muscle-mimicking soft robots for use in assistive devices. What sets the new engine apart is its ability to generate significant force without being tethered ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Robotics
Medical Xpress / Improved GERD questionnaire scores seen with antireflux mucosectomy

For patients with refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), those receiving antireflux mucosectomy (ARMS) have a greater improvement in the GERD questionnaire (GERDQ) score, according to a study published online ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Surgery / Dealing with a taboo: Do hunting and fishing bring us closer to nature?

Buying fish, sausage or meat saves you from breaking a social taboo in some industrialized nations, especially when hunting and fishing are conducted for recreation. In a perspective article in Nature Sustainability, a research ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Biology / How (apparently) identical animals can be completely different species

Logically speaking, you would think that animals who appeared to be the same—even if they were found in different parts of the world—would belong to the same species, and that they would share the same genome. However, ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Biology / Unveiling East Asia's urban landscape: A massive mapping project illuminates 280 million buildings

Accurate and comprehensive building data is critical for urban management and planning. Existing datasets, such as those from Microsoft and OpenStreetMap, often lack completeness and accuracy in East Asia, limiting their ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Earth / Tannic acid-coated magnetic beads could facilitate early cancer diagnosis

Researchers have synthesized tannic acid-coated magnetic beads capable of extracting membrane vesicles called "exosomes" from biological fluids with 60% efficiency. This novel method will make it easier and faster to isolate ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Chemistry
Medical Xpress / Multiple myeloma: New insights into early detection of aggressive tumors

Multiple myeloma is one of the most common forms of cancer of the immune cells in the bone marrow. It is considered incurable. Even when patients respond to treatment at first, the cancer comes back.

Jul 1, 2024 in Oncology & Cancer / From stars to oceans: The impact of penetrative turbulence on climate science

Turbulence is an area of fluid dynamics that has been known about and researched for over a century. Most of us are broadly aware of it as a concept from our travels in the air, wherein it can at best be an inconvenience ...

Jul 3, 2024 in Earth / Locusts adapt sense of smell to detect food in swarms, study shows

Locusts adapt their sense of smell to better detect sparse food sources in crowded swarms of up to billion animals, as researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behavior at the University of Konstanz discovered. ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Biology / Detecting lung cancer early with sugar-sensing nanotech

For such a common disease, lung cancer can be hard to spot. In the early stages you probably won't even know you've got a problem. But by the time you investigate that persistent cough, your livelihood may already hinge on ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Nanotechnology
Medical Xpress / Largest ever genetic study of age of puberty in girls shows links with weight gain

Genes can indirectly influence the age at which girls have their first period by accelerating weight gain in childhood, a known risk factor for early puberty, a Cambridge-led study has found. Other genes can directly affect ...

Jul 1, 2024 in Genetics