All News / Team plans 3D modeling project for France's natural history collections

France's natural history collections contain nearly 6% of the world's total natural specimens across multiple institutions, and the e-COL+ project aims to capture and reconstruct these specimens in 3D for easy access and ...

2 hours ago in Biology
Medical Xpress / 10 sunscreen myths you can't afford to fall for

Attention sunscreen skeptics: The sun's UV rays are coming for you, and you're just making their job easier.

5 hours ago in Health / Scientists pinpoint strategies that could stop cats from scratching your furniture

Many cat owners are familiar with torn cushions, carpets, and couches. The feline instinct to scratch is innate, but is often perceived as a behavioral problem by cat owners, and sometimes leads to interventions that are ...

11 hours ago in Biology / Lawsuit claims Irmo plant polluted Saluda River with toxic chemicals

A hulking manufacturing plant in Irmo is being accused of contaminating the lower Saluda River and drinking water supplies after dumping toxic forever chemicals into the scenic waterway and its floodplain for years.

1 hour ago in Earth
Tech Xplore / China leading surge in generative AI patents: UN

The number of international patent filings for innovations using cutting-edge generative artificial intelligence have surged eightfold in six years, the UN said Wednesday, the majority from China-based innovators.

6 hours ago in Machine learning & AI / Hurricane Beryl kills seven as it churns towards Jamaica

Hurricane Beryl churned towards Jamaica Tuesday, with forecasters warning of potentially deadly winds and storm surge, after the storm killed at least seven people and caused widespread destruction across the southeastern ...

6 hours ago in Earth
Medical Xpress / Q&A: Uncovering how cellular miscommunication leads to cognitive impairment in female patients with Alzheimer's disease

Lead author Neta Rosenzweig, Ph.D., of the Brigham and Women's Hospital Ann Romney Center for Neurological Diseases, and senior author Oleg Butovsky, Ph.D., of the Ann Romney Center and Gene Lay Institute of Immunology and ...

Tech Xplore / Indonesia launches first EV battery plant

Indonesia launched its first electric vehicle battery plant on Wednesday, President Joko Widodo said, as Southeast Asian countries move to gain a foothold in the emerging industry.

6 hours ago in Energy & Green Tech / Dubai rowers to brave Arctic to highlight plastics pollution

At an indoor pool in Dubai, three rowers battle artificial rain and simulated waves as they train for an Arctic voyage intended to highlight the perils of marine pollution.

7 hours ago in Earth / Newborn white rhino Silverio takes his first giant steps in a Chilean zoo in a boost to his species

Hannah, a 13-year-old white rhinoceros, has delivered a newborn calf in a rare zoo birth for the almost endangered species.

7 hours ago in Biology
Tech Xplore / Amazon counts on 'grit and innovation' to meet AI surge

The AI revolution is upon us with companies around the world looking to jump headfirst into the technology made famous by ChatGPT.

7 hours ago in Business
Medical Xpress / Untreated water tied to salmonella outbreak in cucumbers that sickened 450 people in US

Untreated water used by a Florida cucumber grower is one likely source of salmonella food poisoning that sickened nearly 450 people across the U.S. this spring, federal health officials said Tuesday.

7 hours ago in Health