news / Multidrug-resistant fungi found in commercial soil, compost, flower bulbs

Named a critical public health threat by WHO, Aspergillus fumigatus is potentially deadly to immunocompromised

Jun 25, 2024 in Biology / Modeling software reveals patterns in continuous seismic waveforms during series of stick-slip, magnitude-5 earthquakes

A team at Los Alamos National Laboratory has used machine learning—an application of artificial intelligence—to detect the hidden signals that precede an earthquake. The findings at the Kīlauea volcano in Hawaii are ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Earth / Researchers discover new flat electronic bands, paving way for advanced quantum materials

In a study published in Nature Communications, a team of scientists led by Rice University's Qimiao Si predicts the existence of flat electronic bands at the Fermi level, a finding that could enable new forms of quantum computing ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Physics / Scientists identify safe havens we must preserve to prevent 'the sixth great extinction of life on Earth'

In a new article, a coalition of conservationists and researchers have shown how we can protect Earth's remaining biodiversity by conserving just a tiny percentage of the planet's surface. This affordable, achievable plan ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Biology / Jupiter's upper atmosphere surprises astronomers

Using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, scientists observed the region above Jupiter's iconic Great Red Spot to discover a variety of previously unseen features. The region, previously believed to be unremarkable ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / In a world-first, researchers map a 4,200 km transatlantic flight of the painted lady butterfly

In October 2013, Gerard Talavera, a researcher from the Botanical Institute of Barcelona at CSIC, made a surprising discovery of painted lady butterflies on the Atlantic beaches of French Guiana—a species not typically ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Biology / Researchers develop high-performance anion exchange membranes for sustainability applications

A team of researchers has achieved a breakthrough in the development of anion exchange membranes (AEMs). They designed a novel spiro-branched polymeric membrane that incorporates highly connected sub-nanometer microporous ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Chemistry / Marine cloud brightening models show unexpected consequences of geoengineering

A combined team of Earth scientists and climate specialists at the University of California San Diego and the National Center for Atmospheric Research has found via modeling that geoengineering projects such as marine cloud ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Earth / Discovery of vast sex differences in cellular activity has major implications for disease treatment

"We discovered a pronounced 'men are from Mars, women are from Venus' pattern," says marine and environmental biologist Suzanne Edmands.

Jun 25, 2024 in Biology / Not all calcite crystals perfect; synthesis methods can alter internal structure, affect chemical reactivity

When looking at calcite under a microscope, a scientist would immediately recognize the crystalline form of calcium carbonate by its rhombohedral appearance. That is, calcite is shaped like a distorted cube. One of Earth's ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Chemistry / Using sound waves, scientists develop findings that challenge standard theories of solar convection

A team of solar physicists at NYU Abu Dhabi's Center for Astrophysics and Space Science (CASS), led by Research Scientist Chris S. Hanson, Ph.D., has revealed the interior structure of the sun's supergranules, a flow structure ...

Jun 25, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / Using supercomputer researchers discover new clues to improving fusion confinement

Nuclear fusion—when two nuclei combine to form a new nucleus, thereby releasing energy—may be the clean, reliable, limitless power source of the future. But first, scientists must learn how to control its production.

Jun 25, 2024 in Physics