Weekly recaps

Recap / Best of Last Week—Converting CO2 to fuel, rocky planet found orbiting nearest star and possible remedy for a fatty diet

(ScienceX)—It was a good week for physics and technology development as a team with Rice University found that light and matter merge in quantum coupling—they described research into a way to create a new condensed matter ...

Week 35 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week: Possible fifth force of nature found, purifying carbon nanotubes, possible replacement for opiods

(Phys.org)—It was another good week for physics as a team at the University of California announced the possible discovery of a fifth force of nature—which was related to the discovery of a subatomic particle, possibly ...

Week 34 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Confirming the proton radius puzzle, chemtrails not real and a physics engine in the brain

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a large team of researchers took new measurements with a deuterium nucleus and confirmed that the proton radius puzzle is real—they found that the radius of a proton ...

Week 33 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week-New form of light, possible cure for viral infections and the science behind a fulfilling single life

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team at Imperial College London unveiled research that suggested light could exist in a previously unknown form—by binding it with a single electron. They suggest it ...

Week 32 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Theory to explain LHC excess, new antibiotic and link between circadian clock disruption and cancer

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as Kyoungchul Kong, an associate professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Kansas offered a leading theory about the mysterious Large Hadron Collider excess—he ...

Week 31 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week–Dark matter detector finishes its work, donuts took flight and point at which sitting harms your heart

(ScienceX)—It was a good week for physics as a team at MIT found a weird quantum effect that stretches across hundreds of miles—they discovered that neutrinos can be in superposition without individual identities when ...

Week 30 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week–Blurring lines between classical and quantum physics, why turtles have shells and new way to get happy

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a combined team of researchers with Google and UC Santa Barbara blurred the line between classical and quantum physics by connecting chaos and entanglement, a finding that ...

Week 29 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—Earth's leaking atmosphere, stopping ransomware and marijuana found to dull reward response

(Science X)—It was a good week for space exploration as a team of researchers from the U.S. and Italy detected radio emissions from a nearby brown dwarf—which made it one of the most faint, ultra-cool dwarfs yet discovered. ...

Week 28 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—Quantum bounds maybe not so quantum, alcohol causing cancer and butter found safer to eat than thougt

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team with the University of Sevilla in Spain, found that 'quantum' bounds are not so quantum after all—the team has shown they also show up in classical experiments ...

Week 27 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Dark spot on Neptune, China tops supercomputer speed list and brain tumors in highly educated people

(ScienceX)—It was a good week for space research as a team at Wageningen University in the Netherlands reported that crops grown in 'Mars' soil were found safe to eat—the soil was not actually retrieved from Mars, of ...

Week 26 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—More gravitational waves detected, an alien rock found and exercise found to improve memory retention

(Science X)—It was another good week for physics, as teams with the twin LIGO facilities in Louisiana and Washington reported that gravitational waves were detected from a second pair of colliding black holes, marking the ...

Week 25 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Packing more into light, turning CO2 to stone and happy couples seeing others as less attractive

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team at MIT predicted previously unseen phenomena in exotic materials, they are predicting new characteristics of topological semimetals—materials that have been found ...

Week 24 2016 in Other Sciences