Weekly recaps

Recap / Best of Last Week – Verifying Heisenberg's principle, revealing Pluto's secrets and brain damage due to stress

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in China conducted an experimental test that verified Heisenberg's measurement uncertainty principle—using ...

Week 23 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Possible fifth force of nature, India launches mini shuttle and how money matters in relationships

(ScienceX)—It was another interesting week for physics as a team of physicists at the University of California suggested that work done by another team of researchers in Hungary last year might have inadvertently revealed ...

Week 22 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – A new form of light, a new species of horned dinosaur and a possible new treatment for depression

(ScienceX)—It was a good week for science and technology as a team of physicists at Trinity College and the CRANN Institute announced that they had discovered a new form of light, which could have an impact on our overall ...

Week 21 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—Controlling entangled atoms, excess folic acid causing autism and cells that retain memory of injury

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team with the University of Basel and the Swiss Nanoscience Institute announced that they had measured van der Waals forces of individual atoms using single noble gas ...

Week 20 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – LHC readied for big run, human exodus likely due to climate change and gut benefits of coffee/wine

(ScienceX)—It was a good week for physics as a pair of researchers, Julian Gonzalez-Ayala and F. Angulo-Brown asked, why is space three-dimensional? They suggest that the second law of thermodynamics may yield the answer. ...

Week 19 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Quantum physics in real life, testing relativity in space and a high-fat diet starving the brain

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team at Delft University took the next step towards observing quantum physics in real life—they created a reflective membrane, visible to the naked eye, which was able ...

Week 18 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – New state of water, solar plane crosses Pacific and OTC medicine found to cause cognitive problems

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory announced that a new state of water molecule was discovered. The new tunneling state was found to ...

Week 17 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week—Usefulness of quantum weirdness, using CRISPR on a human embryo and butter found to be not so harmful

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory announced that they had discovered a new type of material that may speed computing—called PtSn4, it is a topological ...

Week 16 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – New state of matter, flaws in superconductor theory and role of heart and mind in developing wisdom

(Science X)—It was a big week in physics as an international team of researchers announced that a new state of matter had been detected in a two-dimensional material—first predicted 40 years ago, the state is known as ...

Week 15 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Frozen Lake on Pluto, a portable drug making machine and impact of smoking while pregnant

(Science X)—It was a big week for space-based research as New Horizons imagery revealed a small, frozen lake on Pluto—NASA's spacecraft took pictures of what appeared to be a former lake of liquid nitrogen. Also, a researcher ...

Week 14 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Demonstration of a quantum Fredkin gate, ultra-fast winds near a black hole and reversing diabetes

(ScienceX)—It was another good week for physics as a team of researchers working in China found that two defining features of quantum mechanics never appear together—they group was the first to confirm that nonlocality ...

Week 13 2016 in Other Sciences
Recap / Best of Last Week – Physics formula contradicted research, Hubble unveiled monster stars and opiod-free pain relief

(ScienceX)—It was another interesting week for physics as a team at the University of Cincinnati announced that they had developed a formula that contradicts decades of published research. They claim to have found that ...

Week 12 2016 in Other Sciences