Tech Xplore news
Tech Xplore / Floating drones with water-skimming teeth can capture microplastics
In recent years, microplastics have garnered significant attention due to their detection in tap and bottled water, as well as in rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Tech Xplore / Wearable energy harvester achieves 280 times efficiency boost
A team led by Prof. Jang Kyung-In from the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (DGIST) has developed a three-dimensional stretchable piezoelectric energy harvester that can harvest electrical energy using ...
Tech Xplore / Scientists develop 3D concrete printing method that captures carbon dioxide
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a 3D concrete printing method that captures carbon, demonstrating a new pathway to reduce the environmental impact of the construction ...
Tech Xplore / Porous electrode design could boost all-solid-state battery performance and lifespan
Batteries have become an integral component of modern technology. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) can be found virtually everywhere, from handheld electronic devices and electric vehicles to the large power banks used in renewable ...
Tech Xplore / Novel antenna tech enables multi-signal transmission for 6G networks
A breakthrough in antenna technology that could revolutionize the future of wireless communications, particularly for the upcoming 6th generation (6G) networks, has been announced by a research team led by Professor Chan ...
Tech Xplore / Prototype device produces critical fertilizer ingredient from thin air, cutting carbon emissions
The air around us contains a powerful solution for making agriculture more sustainable. Researchers at Stanford University and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia have developed a prototype device ...
Tech Xplore / From scrap to strength: Solid phase manufacturing transforms aluminum waste into high-value alloys
Metal scrap can be directly transformed and upgraded into high-performance, high-value alloys without the need for conventional melting processes, according to a study by researchers at the Department of Energy's Pacific ...
Tech Xplore / Teaching a robot its limits to complete open-ended tasks safely
If someone advises you to "know your limits," they're likely suggesting you do things like exercise in moderation. To a robot, though, the motto represents learning constraints, or limitations of a specific task within the ...
Tech Xplore / Turning 3D printing's biggest flaw into its smartest feature
Civil and systems engineers at Johns Hopkins University have turned a longstanding problem with 3D printers into a multifunctional feature: The team developed a new printing technique that solves the fundamental weakness ...
Tech Xplore / Just add water: Researchers extend lithium metal battery lifespan by 750%
Lithium metal, a next-generation anode material, has been highlighted for overcoming the performance limitations of commercial batteries. However, issues inherent to lithium metal have caused shortened battery lifespans and ...
Tech Xplore / Quantum algorithms can break generative AI bottlenecks
Researchers at the University of Waterloo's Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) have found that quantum algorithms could speed up generative artificial intelligence (AI) creation and usage.
Tech Xplore / Unlocking the 'black box': Scientists reveal AI's hidden thoughts
Deep neural networks are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that imitate how human brains process information, but understanding how these networks "think" has long been a challenge. Now, researchers at Kyushu University ...