Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / Engineers 'grow' atomically thin transistors on top of computer chips

Emerging AI applications, like chatbots that generate natural human language, demand denser, more powerful computer chips. But semiconductor chips are traditionally made with bulk materials, which are boxy 3D structures, ...

Tech Xplore / Highly dexterous robot hand can operate in the dark—just like us

Think about what you do with your hands when you're home at night pushing buttons on your TV's remote control, or at a restaurant using all kinds of cutlery and glassware. These skills are all based on touch, while you're ...

Apr 27, 2023 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Optical neural networks hold promise for image processing

Cornell researchers have developed an optical neural network (ONN) that can filter relevant information from a scene before the visual image is detected by a camera, a method that may make it possible to build faster, smaller ...

Apr 27, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Positive triggering method reduces nationality bias in large text generators

Humans aren't the only ones learning toxic ideas online. New research led by Penn State researchers reveals that large language models that use internet files to learn how to respond to user prompts about different countries ...

Apr 27, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Speedy robo-gripper reflexively organizes cluttered spaces

When manipulating an arcade claw, a player can plan all she wants. But once she presses the joystick button, it's a game of wait-and-see. If the claw misses its target, she'll have to start from scratch for another chance ...

Apr 27, 2023 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / New correlation ratio allows researchers to better understand soft material behavior

The mechanics behind the collapse of soft materials structure have befuddled researchers for decades. In a new study, researchers uncover a metric that finally correlates microscopic-level processes with what is seen at the ...

Apr 27, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / A power-efficient engine that can disentangle the visual attributes of objects

Most humans are innately able to identify the individual attributes of sensory stimuli, such as objects they are seeing, sounds they are hearing, and so on. While artificial intelligence (AI) tools have become increasingly ...

Apr 26, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / New side-channel attack vulnerability found in Intel CPU

Add one more vulnerability to the list of side-channel attacks that have long dogged Intel CPUs.

Apr 26, 2023 in Computer Sciences
Tech Xplore / Team realizes brain's sensory functions using artificial synapse devices

Researchers from the College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering at Nankai University have used flexible artificial synapse devices to develop a neuromorphic motion perception system that realizes the brain's ...

Apr 26, 2023 in Hardware
Tech Xplore / Developing technology to mimic the function of skin

Scientists at UNSW Sydney have combined artificial synapses with advanced sensors to mimic the properties of human skin, in new research published in Advanced Functional Materials.

Tech Xplore / Using quantum physics to secure wireless devices

From access cards and key fobs to Bluetooth speakers, the security of communication between wireless devices is critical to maintaining privacy and preventing theft. Unfortunately, these tools are not foolproof and information ...

Apr 26, 2023 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Air-breathing cathode enhances conversion efficiency, durability of alkaline nickel-zinc batteries

Nickel-zinc (Ni-Zn) batteries are a promising technology due to their high output voltage, high theoretical specific energy, high safety and low cost. However, rechargeable alkaline Ni-Zn batteries are challenging, because ...

Apr 26, 2023 in Energy & Green Tech