Tech Xplore news

Tech Xplore / Team develops a way to teach a computer to type like a human

An entirely new predictive typing model can simulate different kinds of users, helping reveal ways to optimize how we use our phones. Developed by researchers at Aalto University, the new model captures the difference between ...

Apr 18, 2024 in Machine learning & AI
Tech Xplore / A rimless wheel robot that can reliably overcome steps

Robots with wheels could potentially navigate a variety of indoor and outdoor environments, traveling for longer distances and with fewer risks of losing balance. While some wheeled robots have achieved very promising results ...

Apr 17, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / Researchers develop energy-efficient probabilistic computer by combining CMOS with stochastic nanomagnet

Researchers at Tohoku University and the University of California, Santa Barbara, have unveiled a probabilistic computer prototype. Manufacturable with a near-future technology, the prototype combines a complementary metal-oxide ...

Apr 17, 2024 in Hardware
Tech Xplore / Clearing the air: Wind farms more land efficient than previously thought

Wind power is a source of energy that is both affordable and renewable. However, decision-makers have been reluctant to invest in wind energy due to a perception that wind farms require a lot of land compared to electric ...

Apr 17, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / How 3D printers can give robots a soft touch

Soft skin coverings and touch sensors have emerged as a promising feature for robots that are both safer and more intuitive for human interaction, but they are expensive and difficult to make. A recent study demonstrates ...

Apr 17, 2024 in Robotics
Tech Xplore / New material for hydrogen storage confines this clean yet troublesome fuel

Skoltech scientists and their colleagues from Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of RAS and research centers in China, Japan, and Italy have discovered a material for chemical storage of hydrogen that can "soak up" four ...

Apr 17, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / Researchers use machine learning to create a fabric-based touch sensor

A new study from NC State University combines three-dimensional embroidery techniques with machine learning to create a fabric-based sensor that can control electronic devices through touch. The paper is published in the ...

Tech Xplore / Retro-reflectors could help future cities keep their cool

Engineers at Princeton University have quantified the cooling benefits of a simple solution for beating urban heat: reflecting solar radiation back from whence it came.

Apr 17, 2024 in Engineering
Tech Xplore / New insight about the working principles of bipolar membranes could guide future fuel cell design

Bipolar membranes are a class of ion-conductive polymers comprised of two oppositely charged layers, known as the cation-exchange and anion-exchange layer. These membranes are central to the functioning of various technologies, ...

Apr 16, 2024 in Energy & Green Tech
Tech Xplore / Using sound waves for photonic machine learning: Study lays foundation for reconfigurable neuromorphic building blocks

Optical neural networks may provide the high-speed and large-capacity solution necessary to tackle challenging computing tasks. However, tapping their full potential will require further advances. One challenge is the reconfigurability ...

Apr 16, 2024 in Hi Tech & Innovation
Tech Xplore / Taichi: A large-scale diffractive hybrid photonic AI chiplet

A combined team of engineers from Tsinghua University and the Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, both in China, has developed a large-scale diffractive hybrid photonic AI chiplet for ...

Apr 16, 2024 in Hardware
Tech Xplore / Cooler transformers could help electric grid

Most people do not give the U.S. electric grid a second thought—we flip a switch, and the lights come on. Behind the scenes are thousands of power plants and utilities linked by millions of miles of transmission lines. ...

Apr 16, 2024 in Engineering