Science X Dialog

Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / Artificial intelligence discovers long-term influencers hiding in noisy systems

They say in chaos theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil could unwittingly set up a tornado in Texas. Well, maybe it does. But that tornado should at least need some time to form, given the 5,000-mile distance ...

Jul 26, 2021 in Physics
Dialog / Ambient coldness increases vice inclinations

We are always facing dilemmas between vices and virtues in our daily lives. For example, imagine that you will have an important examination soon, but your favorite drama has just been updated. Which one is your priority? ...

Jul 26, 2021 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / Mars InSight: mission unveils surprising secrets of red planet's interior – new research

We may have walked on the moon and sent probes across the solar system, but we know very little about what's going on inside other planets. Now, for the first time, we have been able to view the interior of one, thanks to ...

Jul 23, 2021 in Astronomy & Space
Dialog / Fossil tooth fractures and microscopic detail of enamel offer new clues about human diet and evolution

Teeth can tell us a lot about the evolution of prehistoric humans, and our latest study of one of our species' close relatives may finally resolve a long-standing mystery.

Jul 23, 2021 in Biology
Dialog / Electromagnetism is a property of spacetime itself, study finds

Imagine if we could use strong electromagnetic fields to manipulate the local properties of spacetime—this could have important ramifications in terms of science and engineering.

Jul 23, 2021 in Physics
Dialog / Can consciousness be explained by quantum physics? Research is closer to finding out

One of the most important open questions in science is how our consciousness is established. In the 1990s, long before winning the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for his prediction of black holes, physicist Roger Penrose teamed ...

Jul 20, 2021 in Physics
Dialog / The role of skin secretions in the evolutionary arms race between cane toads and lungworms

Unlike many other species of amphibians, the cane toad is thriving. It was introduced to Australia (and other places, such as Hawaii) to get rid of pest insects in sugar cane plantations. It had no effect on the pest insects, ...

Jul 19, 2021 in Biology
Dialog / Big bang: How we are trying to 'listen' to it, and the new physics it could unveil

Exactly what happened at the beginning of the universe, 14 billion years ago, is one of the greatest mysteries in physics—there's no simple way to probe it. That's because, in its early stages, the universe was filled with ...

Jul 16, 2021 in Astronomy & Space
Dialog / Physicists find a method to comb the hair of spins

Similar to the wave of human hair in the wind, spins in a solid can also wave under the influence of external perturbations. Such a wave-like collective motion of spins is called a spin wave. Usually, spin waves with a wide ...

Jul 12, 2021 in Physics
Dialog / The math behind the 'fractal' shape of cauliflower explained

Have you ever stared at a cauliflower before preparing it and got lost in its stunningly beautiful pattern? Probably not, if you are in your right mind, but I reassure you it's worth a try. What you'll find is that what at ...

Jul 9, 2021 in Other Sciences
Dialog / Messy prebiotic chemistry may be key to homochiral life

The word chirality comes from the Greek χǫιρ, which means hand. Chiral molecules form a pair of molecules that are each other's mirror images, similarly to our left and right hands. The chirality of molecules in the ...

Jul 7, 2021 in Chemistry
Dialog / Are you a cold person? Maybe it's not your fault! (The role of Language in Emotional Intelligence)

The term "emotional intelligence" was popularized in the millennial era. It means having the capacity to express emotions and handle human interaction wisely and empathetically. Having this ability allows people to build ...

Jul 6, 2021 in Other Sciences