Science X Dialog
Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / We discovered a missing gene fragment that's shedding new light on how males develop
It's one of the most important genes in biology: Sry, the gene that makes males male. Development of the sexes is a crucial step in sexual reproduction and is essential for the survival of almost all animal species.
Dialog / Delocalized states within the superconducting gap
Everyone knows that "diamonds are forever." The brilliantly shining stones make for magnificent jewelry and represent carbon in its most prestigious form. What most people do not know, however, is the fascinating physics ...
Dialog / There's no single gene for left-handedness: At least 41 regions of DNA are involved
Most people consistently use the same hand to do tasks that require skill and control such as writing or threading a needle. We know genetics plays a big part in which hand a person prefers, but it has been difficult to identify ...
Dialog / The controversy of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in humans: suggesting a resolution and way forward
Neurogenesis is more than just a concept in neuroscience, and has nuances that go beyond mere rattling statistics. It is the Catch-22 of the world of learning and development in humans and possibly other animals. Modestly ...
Dialog / Charting the long-distance migrations of the world's fastest bird
The world's fastest birds, peregrine falcons, disappear from their North American nesting grounds for up to seven months at a time. But where do they go? We used data from 227 North American peregrines over a 57-year period, ...
Dialog / Our quantum internet breakthrough could make malicious hacking a thing of the past
The advent of mass working from home has made many people more aware of the security risks of sending sensitive information via the internet. The best we can do at the moment is make it difficult to intercept and hack your ...
Dialog / How do you weigh a dinosaur? There are two ways, and it turns out they're both right
The most emblematic feature of dinosaurs is their body size. Some dinosaurs reached enormous sizes during the Mesozoic Era which ended 66 million years ago, with some species maybe even approaching 100 tonnes. The largest ...
Dialog / Surface decoration of perovskite can make solar cell stable for operation
Solar cells that convert solar energy into electricity are one attractive route for harvesting clean solar energy. The installed capacity of solar panels has exceeded 100 GW in the last year.
Dialog / Pieced together: The most precise records of major climate events from thousands of years ago
Between 115,000 and 11,700 years ago, the Earth would have been almost unrecognizable. Massive ice-sheets covered northern Europe and northern Asia, and about half of North America, and global sea-levels were as much as 130 ...
Dialog / A step towards personalized cancer vaccines
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide and was responsible for the death of an estimated 9.6 million people in 2018. Research is now focused on personalized ...
Dialog / Slow to adjust to the pandemic's new normal? Don't worry, your brain's just learning new skills
As COVID-19 lockdowns were introduced, we all suddenly had to find new ways of doing things. Schooling shifted online, meetings moved to Zoom, workplaces brought in new measures and even social events have changed to minimize ...
Dialog / Machine-intelligence discovers new two-dimensional charge density wave materials
A crystal is a solid material whose constituents atoms are arranged in a periodic fashion. A charge density wave (CDW) is a quantum mechanical phenomenon observed in some crystals with metallic properties. It is usually characterized ...