Science X Dialog

Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / Young dogs might be more similar to human teenagers than we think

Speak to many dog owners and they will tell you that their once perfectly behaved puppy started to become "difficult" at around six to 12 months of age. There are articles all over the internet that advise owners on how to ...

May 13, 2020 in Biology
Dialog / Powering down Bitcoin with silicon photonics: Researchers develop low power Bitcoin algorithm and hardware

The island of Yap in Micronesia is known for its stone money called Rai. The natives carved disks of limestone up to 4 meters (13 feet) in diameter at nearby islands and precariously transported them home. The stones were ...

May 4, 2020 in Other Sciences
Dialog / We found and tested 47 old drugs that might treat the coronavirus: Results show promising leads, new way to fight COVID

The more researchers know about how the coronavirus attaches, invades and hijacks human cells, the more effective the search for drugs to fight it. That was the idea my colleagues and I hoped to be true when we began building ...

May 1, 2020 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / Predicting earthquakes weeks in advance is a nice premise, but we aren't there yet

For major earthquakes, the satellite predictions work. They give us enough warning, for example, to be able to stop a surgery safely before the shaking starts. A few seconds are critical in some situations. But to predict ...

Apr 30, 2020 in Earth
Dialog / Light-driven thin-film robots could feel

Biological systems can actively sense and adjust their mechanical response to changes in their environment.

Apr 30, 2020 in Chemistry
Dialog / A smart second skin gets all the power it needs from sweat

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It conveys a lot of information, including temperature, pressure, pleasure and pain. Electronic skin (e-skin) mimics the properties of biological skin. Recently developed e-skins ...

Apr 23, 2020 in Technology
Dialog / Ghost moves towards communication: Correlated unpolarized photons enable camouflaged secure communication

Secure communication is an important and challenging topic for global digital data exchange and ensures the interaction of Internet of Things devices as well as private messaging between two parties. Parallel to the efforts ...

Apr 21, 2020 in Physics
Dialog / We're measuring online conversation to track social and mental health issues during the coronavirus pandemic

Social media posts and news reports are rich sources of data about people's attitudes and behaviors. Using artificial intelligence techniques, it's possible to sift through billions of words to discern trends in a population's ...

Apr 20, 2020 in Other Sciences
Dialog / I traveled Australia looking for peacock spiders, and collected 7 new species

After I found my first peacock spider in the wild in 2016, I was hooked. Three years later, I was traveling across Australia on a month-long expedition to document and name new species of peacock spiders.

Apr 17, 2020 in Biology
Dialog / How thin do you want your layered materials for maximum solar cell efficiency?

The study of layered materials is a popular scientific topic, especially since the 2010 Nobel prize in physics was awarded to producers of graphene, a two-dimensional material composed of carbon atoms obtained from the layered ...

Apr 15, 2020 in Chemistry
Dialog / Bees seeking bacteria: How bees find their microbiome

In late summer last year my doctor prescribed a monthlong course of antibiotics for an infection. Medicines like antibiotics are great at wiping out bacterial infections. The problems is that these drugs don't differentiate ...

Apr 14, 2020 in Biology
Dialog / International collaboration on green innovation increases the wealth of OECD cities, a new study finds

City planners and residents are usually enthusiastic about parks in cities—they beautify cities and increase quality of life.

Apr 13, 2020 in Other Sciences