Science X Dialog

Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / Aging: How our 'epigenetic clocks' slow down as we get older

From the tap dancing 90-year-old to the 40-year-old who struggles to run a mile, we all know people who seem surprisingly young or old for their age. Scientists believe that it may be possible to distinguish between two types ...

Jan 17, 2020 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / How we spotted a potential new planet around the sun's neighboring star

Most exoplanets—bodies orbiting stars other than the sun—are too far away for us to be able to send probes to. So it's no wonder that the discovery of a possible habitable planet around the sun's nearest neighbor star, ...

Jan 16, 2020 in Astronomy & Space
Dialog / Fat accumulation in the liver can affect the heart in otherwise healthy adults

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) often develops silently without any symptoms. It is usually detected incidentally on a routine abdominal exam like ultrasounds or similar tests administered for unrelated reasons. ...

Jan 15, 2020 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / A new recycling technique breaks down old tires into reusable materials

Approximately three billion automobile tires were produced worldwide in 2019 alone. Automobile tires are the classic example of a high-volume product derived from non-renewable petroleum resources that is designed for single ...

Jan 14, 2020 in Chemistry
Dialog / Trick or treat? The role of uric acid and central obesity on the risk of metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions that happen together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat ...

Jan 14, 2020 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / New estimates show 14.8 million children globally are HIV-exposed but uninfected

In many countries with a high HIV prevalence, at least 95% of children born to mothers living with HIV remain HIV-uninfected. This is due to the success of wide-scale provision of antiretroviral therapy to mothers with HIV ...

Jan 13, 2020 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / Unpacking the role of religious counselling services in Ghana

In the past when most Ghanaians lived in rural areas, most would typically consult an elder, a respected member of the family, or someone of good social standing in their community when they faced problems in their life. ...

Jan 13, 2020 in Other Sciences
Dialog / Monkeys smashing nuts with stones hint at how human tool use evolved

Human beings used to be defined as "the tool-maker" species. But the uniqueness of this description was challenged in the 1960s when Dr. Jane Goodall discovered that chimpanzees will pick and modify grass stems to use to ...

Jan 9, 2020 in Biology
Dialog / Exercise: We calculated its true value for older people and society

Taking up exercise is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions for people wanting to improve their health. But our research shows that the benefits of older people going to exercise groups go beyond self-improvement ...

Jan 9, 2020 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / New findings: Body clock affects how the immune system works

All life on Earth has evolved to cope with a rotating planet which results in the predictable transition between day and night. The details differ between plants, fungi, bacteria and animals, but the consistent feature is ...

Jan 9, 2020 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / Macroscopic spatial superposition

Wouldn't it be fascinating to live in New York and London at the same time? In the standard of everyday life, this is equivalent to daydreaming or sheer fantasy. Nevertheless, this is a perfectly normal phenomenon in quantum ...

Jan 9, 2020 in Physics
Dialog / The dark side of supportive relationships

Imagine that you've had a heated argument with a co-worker, and you call up your husband or wife to talk about it. Your partner can react in one of two ways.

Jan 8, 2020 in Medicine & Health