Science X Dialog

Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / We found a way to trap stable flies: their dung preferences helped us

Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) are cold-blooded pests. They feed on the blood of their hosts, which include cattle, camels, horses, dogs and humans. During their feeding they can mechanically transmit viruses and bacteria ...

Feb 3, 2020 in Biology
Dialog / Artificial soft-touch fingers: A new class of low-voltage smart device

Soft actuators are an exciting class of smart devices that are actuated by an external stimulus such as light, temperature, electric potential or pneumatic pressure. Softness is one of the main advantages of these actuators. ...

Feb 3, 2020 in Chemistry
Dialog / Warp factor: We've observed a spinning star that drags the fabric of space and time

One of the predictions of Einstein's general theory of relativity is that any spinning body drags the very fabric of space-time in its vicinity around with it. This is known as "frame-dragging."

Jan 31, 2020 in Astronomy & Space
Dialog / How we recruited albatrosses to patrol the high seas for illegal fishers

Wandering albatrosses have long been considered exceptional creatures. They can fly 8.5 million kilometres during their lifetimes – the equivalent of flying to the Moon and back more than ten times. Their three-and-a-half-metre ...

Jan 30, 2020 in Biology
Dialog / Bees learn better when they can explore—and humans might, too

Understanding how humans learn is one key to improving teaching practices and advancing education. Does everybody learn in the same way, or do different people need different teaching styles?

Jan 30, 2020 in Other Sciences
Dialog / How we found a special mathematical equation hidden in rat whiskers

Rats have up to 70 whiskers on their faces, varying hugely in size and shape. Almost every mammal possesses whiskers, but these rodents are what we call "whisker specialists," meaning they have super-sensitive, movable hairs ...

Jan 28, 2020 in Other Sciences
Dialog / Chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer: Disrupting cellular metabolism offers potential treatment

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most formidable human malignancies.

Jan 24, 2020 in Medicine & Health
Dialog / Even planets have their (size) limits

Scientists have discovered over 4,000 exoplanets outside of our Solar System, according to NASA's Exoplanet Archive.

Jan 22, 2020 in Astronomy & Space
Dialog / Native people did not use fire to shape New England's landscape

An interpretive sign stands at the edge of the Montague Plains Wildlife Management Area, a 1,500-acre state conservation property in central Massachusetts. It explains the site's open land vegetation has been shaped by "millennia ...

Jan 21, 2020 in Earth
Dialog / Lithium extraction from seawater by nanostructured membranes

Researchers predict that the supply of the energy-critical element lithium will soon be less than its continuously increasing demand, which will make lithium a strategically influential element. The amount of Li+ in seawater ...

Jan 20, 2020 in Chemistry
Dialog / How chaperones promote correct shapes of proteins even under denaturing stress conditions

Proteins are macromolecules synthesized under the control of DNA and perform almost all functions in our cells. However, they must fold into their unique three-dimensional structures to fulfill their biological activities. ...

Jan 20, 2020 in Biology
Dialog / We found the genes that allowed plants to colonize land 500 million years ago

The world 500 million years ago looked very different to today. The land was bare, with only bacteria, fungi and algae able to survive on it. Everything else lived in the ocean, but once plants moved onto land, they changed ...

Jan 17, 2020 in Biology