Science X Dialog

Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / Fat-footed tyrannosaur parents couldn't keep up with their skinnier offspring, fossil footprints reveal

Tyrannosaurus rex is perhaps the most famous of all dinosaurs. It and its closest kin, a group referred to as "tyrannosaurs," have been embedded in popular culture as powerful and mobile predators.

Apr 21, 2021 in Biology
Dialog / How the amazing engineering of army ants can make us smarter creators

Army ants (Eciton burchellii) are known for their vast foraging raids. Hundreds of thousands of ants flow like a river from their nest site, scouring the jungle as they prey on anything unable to escape the swarm.

Apr 20, 2021 in Other Sciences
Dialog / Prehistoric cave painters might have been 'high' on oxygen deprivation, new study suggests

Long before the emergence of writing, Palaeolithic cave paintings represent the very first examples of human visual culture. They provide a shadowy glimpse of a prehistoric world in which signs were beginning to be used to ...

Apr 20, 2021 in Other Sciences
Dialog / New warp drive research dashes faster than light travel dreams – but reveals stranger possibilities

In 1994, physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed a radical technology that would allow faster than light travel: the warp drive, a hypothetical way to skirt around the universe's ultimate speed limit by bending the fabric of ...

Apr 16, 2021 in Physics
Dialog / The ocean's 'gut flora': How bacteria affect ocean health from Antarctica to the equator

Aboard an Australian research vessel, the RV Investigator, we sailed for 63 days from Antarctica's ice edge to the warm equator in the South Pacific and collected 387 water samples.

Apr 14, 2021 in Biology
Dialog / Proof of new physics from the muon's magnetic moment? Maybe not, according to a new theoretical calculation

When the results of an experiment don't match predictions made by the best theory of the day, something is off.

Apr 12, 2021 in Physics
Dialog / Methane-eating bacteria found in a common tree is possible game-changer for curbing greenhouse gases

Trees are the Earth's lungs—it's well understood they drawdown and lock up vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But emerging research is showing trees can also emit methane, and it's currently unknown just ...

Apr 9, 2021 in Earth
Dialog / Embrace the unexpected: To teach AI how to handle new situations, change the rules of the game

My colleagues and I changed a digital version of Monopoly so that instead of getting US$200 each time a player passes Go, the player is charged a wealth tax. We didn't do this to gain an advantage or trick anyone. The purpose ...

Apr 8, 2021 in Technology
Dialog / How to count birds when every bird counts: Choosing the best approach in desert mountains

High mountain bird communities tend to be poorly studied due to their relative inaccessibility, but are vulnerable to declines and extirpations driven by global warming and habitat change, even in protected areas. Recent ...

Apr 8, 2021 in Biology
Dialog / Iluminating a control knob for topological insulators

Topological insulators are a new generation of materials bearing intriguing properties that might be instrumental for quantum computing and quantum information. Found in the lab for the first time in 2007, two-dimensional ...

Apr 8, 2021 in Nanotechnology
Dialog / Horses can recognize themselves in a mirror, study finds

If you ask people to list the most intelligent animals, they'll name a few usual suspects. Chimpanzees, dolphins and elephants are often mentioned, as are crows, dogs and occasionally pigs. Horses don't usually get a look ...

Apr 7, 2021 in Biology
Dialog / Scientists invent home COVID-19 test using coffee machine capsules

Transitioning to home working had its challenges for us all, but when your job involves researching biological applications for nanotechnology, those trials are a little more complicated than juggling the household's broadband ...

Apr 6, 2021 in Medicine & Health