Science X Dialog
Science X Dialog is where researchers can share news and information about their own published journal articles.
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Dialog / Scientists invent home COVID-19 test using coffee machine capsules
Transitioning to home working had its challenges for us all, but when your job involves researching biological applications for nanotechnology, those trials are a little more complicated than juggling the household's broadband ...

Dialog / Half of global methane emissions come from aquatic ecosystems—much of it human-made
Methane—a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide—plays a major role in controlling the Earth's climate. But methane concentrations in the atmosphere today are 150% higher than before the industrial revolution.

Dialog / Reactive molecular dynamics reveals fundamental mechanism of resistive switching in 2D materials
Conventional computers are based on von Neumann architecture in which data processing and storage are physically separated. Data shuttling between processing unit and memory leads extra energy consumption and restricts the ...

Dialog / Cancer vaccines revitalized by antigenic essence technology
Recently, cancer vaccine development has been complemented by our antigenic essence technology. Considering that the creation of cancer vaccines is a constant priority for research and biotechnology, the emergence of new ...

Dialog / Earlier evidence of human rituals and innovation found in ancient rocks
The Kalahari is a huge expanse of desert in southern Africa, stretching across Botswana and into the northernmost part of South Africa's Northern Cape province.

Dialog / Are we more closely related to starfish or insects? Study questions 100 years of consensus
How humans evolved from the very first animals over the last 600 million years is an endlessly fascinating question. When piecing together the many steps leading from our first simple animal ancestor to modern Homo sapiens, ...

Dialog / New physics at the Large Hadron Collider? Scientists are excited, but it's too soon to be sure
Last week, physicists at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland announced they might have discovered a brand new force of nature. Or, to be precise, they unveiled "new results which, if confirmed, would suggest hints of ...

Dialog / We've imaged a black hole's magnetic field for the first time—here's what it reveals
There was a lot of excitement when the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration showed the world the first ever image of a black hole back in April 2019. Weighing in at 6.5 billion times the mass of our Sun, this supermassive ...

Dialog / Previously thought to be science fiction, a planet in a triple-star system has been discovered
KOI-5Ab is a newly discovered planet in a triple-star system. It is a great example of the kind of astonishing discoveries that result from co-operation between large teams of astronomers using different types of telescopes ...

Dialog / Evolutionary study suggests prehistoric human fossils 'hiding in plain sight' in Southeast Asia
Island Southeast Asia has one of the largest and most intriguing hominin fossil records in the world. But our new research suggests there is another prehistoric human species waiting to be discovered in this region: a group ...

Dialog / Evidence of new physics at CERN? Why we're cautiously optimistic about our new findings
When CERN's gargantuan accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), fired up ten years ago, hopes abounded that new particles would soon be discovered that could help us unravel physics' deepest mysteries. Dark matter, microscopic ...

Dialog / When our evolutionary ancestors first crawled onto land, their brains only half-filled their skulls
Most of us would recognize a human brain, but what about the brain of a frog or fish? Given the vast diversity of life on Earth, there are some weird and wonderful brains out there.